To develop a community within your development, one of the best ways that Residents can encourage interactions and communication between Landlords and Tenants is to start a Neighbourhood Watch. Not only shall it help reduce crime, (It is estimated that 26/100 crimes are prevented with Neighbourhood Watch) but it shall also foster a new understanding amongst residents that, all share the same concerns and with a joint effort can tackle all problems that all residents face.

QMS support Neighbourhood Watch Groups whether we manage a development or not. Not only can we provide Residents with support in how to set up a Neighbourhood Watch but we can also provide you with contacts of Neighbourhood Watch leaders from other developments to share their experiences with you too. That’s on top of arranging for meeting room hires, chairing meeting, and providing templates for wider distribution. See the below links for further information on the Neighbourhood Watch.
Neighbourhood watch (

Quay Management Services neighbourhood watch